Our Services

Voice Casting

We will work with you to develop a unique game plan based on your project’s needs and budget to connect you with the perfect voice cast. Our casting panel will discuss with you all of the necessary information to find the ideal voices you envisioned before moving forward with the casting call.

After the casting period has concluded, we will carefully curate a shortlist based on your specifications. We will initiate an intense meeting evaluating each candidate with you and provide you with extensive explanations for our top choices. Ultimately, YOU know what is best for your project and the final decision will be made by you.


If you wish for the voice actors to receive live direction rather than record lines solo, we will take care of it! Our voice directors and directing assistants will frequently meet with the development team to fully understand the vision of the project.

After the scripts have been reviewed and finalized, the directing team will schedule live recording sessions with the voice talent, either individually or in group readings. We welcome members of the development team to join these sessions to provide the greatest detail of input to the actors' performances.

  • Scheduling & Management

  • Equipped with Source-Connect Pro

Audio Engineering

We have several experienced engineers and musicians on deck for any audio production challenge. We specialize in voiceover editing, ensuring all recordings sound professionally consistent, and noise free. Files will be separated and organized as instructed by the director in preparation for easy implementation.

  • Mixing & Mastering

  • Live ADR Placement

  • Sound Design

  • Custom Foley SFX

  • Music Composition